The Wolves Club of Youngstown is a social organization of business and
professional men that was started in 1953. The Wolves Club’s main purpose is to
provide undergraduate scholarships and financial assistance for higher educational
programs in Mahoning County. The Wolves Club has distributed $1,250,000 for scholarships and community projects since its inception.
Applications are submitted online through the YSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships website. To log into the application, students would need to be accepted to YSU and use their Portal ID and established password. Also, incoming freshmen students who want to apply for a scholarship for the Fall Semester will need to first complete their online FAFSA application by YSU’s deadline of December 1st.
The deadline for Wolves Club Scholarship applications is February 1st of each year. Scholarships are renewable for up to four (4) years provided that recipients maintain a 2.0 GPA and full time enrollment status.

Our Scholarships
The Wolves Scholarship program supports selected applicants who are entering freshmen at Youngstown State University. They must be graduates of recognized Mahoning County high schools. Specific qualifications include a successful high school academic record (2.5 GPA), financial need, and evidence of personal responsibility.
Our unique partnership arrangements with the YSU Foundation and the HMHP Foundation permit us to leverage our contribution by matching the amount with the foundations on a dollar per dollar basis. For the 2022 – 2023 academic year, the total available for all of our recipients is $77,000. Payments of the individual amounts awarded are prorated over the term of the recipient’s enrollment.
The Wolves Club of Youngstown maintains The Wolves Scholarship and Charitable Trust (WS&CT). It is recognized as a 501 (c) (3) organization by the IRS. Donations made to it are eligible for tax deduction treatment.
Supporters are also invited to participate in our current fundraising events. These include a Reverse Raffle Dinner (April) and a Golf Outing (August). Please type your email in the form below for inclusion on the mailing list for each event.